Animal Empathy at School


The project

Animal Empathy at School is a work proposed by Progetto Vivere Vegan to help elementary and middle school teachers deal with the subject of other animals in the classroom from a non-anthropocentric point of view. Our goal is to direct future generations to respect for the Other and for Nature.



Girls and boys are naturally inclined to respect other animals, they see them as subjects and not as objects, they naturally feel empathy towards them. But our society too often conditions them and distances them from the world of nature. With Animal Empathy at School we want to bring out what is already spontaneous in them.

The Animal Empathy Kit at School

Animal Empathy at School is the tool that Progetto Vivere Vegan provides, free of charge, to teachers to delicately address the theme of animals in the classroom. It consists of a kit of teaching cards to carry out 4 or 5 lessons independently. Requesting the kit is easy, just request it through the dedicated website.

empatia animale a scuola

Visit the website.